Our team is made up of committed people who care about helping to advance our social innovation project. And it is through their guidance, efforts, contributions, and talents that Eduplan Solutions is what we are today and what will be tomorrow.
Meet us

Nathalie Myara, Ph. D.
Chief Executive Officer
"What matters to me is that each person living with a challenge or disability reach their potential; their success depends, among other things, on the implementation of interventions, human resources, material resources, effective strategies and different services. Therefore, let’s provide to everyone concerned, services and products that are accessible, efficient and intelligent! "

Développeuse full stack
"Mon rôle comme développeuse full stack me permet de contribuer au développement d'Eduplan"

Viorica Tudor
R & D Director
«â€¯Research and innovation is what attracted me above all to Eduplan.
Meeting challenges, sharing knowledge, and learning daily makes it a stimulating and interesting place to work with many opportunities for development.”

Josianne Veilleux
Pedagogical and clinical researcher
''I contribute to the educational research of Eduplan and proud to be able to bring my knowledge to help the team.''

Priya Patel
Full stack developer
''As a full stack developer, my goal at Eduplan is to help create innovative platforms and products that will help students succeed in the world.''

Amira Benhmida
Agente de recherche
''Je suis heureuse de maintenant faire partie de l'équipe d'eduplan solutions et aider leur développement.''

Eva Hannan Li, MA.
R & D Software Manager
“High-quality products with artificial intelligence complete the world!”

Inder Matharu
Full stack developer
"High-quality products with artificial intelligence complete the world!"

Ruben Perez
R&D security and international law officer
''I ensure the security of the company. I believe that working at Eduplan presents many opportunities for professional and personal development.''

Leynna Feigenbaum
Administrative assistant
''I was primarily drawn to Eduplan because of its focus on research and innovation. The prospect of tackling new challenges, exchanging knowledge with others, and continuously learning is what makes it an exciting and engaging workplace. I believe that working at Eduplan offers numerous avenues for personal and professional growt.''

Anda Tuvene
Graphic designer and communications
''I help Eduplan by creating visually appealing publications that convey messages and promote the products.''