Entrepreneurial Value Analysis: a collaborative and iterative research and innovation approach
Entrepreneurial Value Analysis (AVE *) is an iterative research and development method aimed at designing educational or clinical innovations (products, processes or services), which take into account the needs of different users, functions to be fulfilled by innovations in order to meet their needs at lower costs and with more benefits.
* The AVE is an adaptation of the AVP; a method that has their origins in engineering (Langevin and Rocque, 1998)
The AVE consists of four main stages described below.
In a logic of innovation (design or redesign of devices, products, processes or services), it is essential to define and document the problem or problems to be solved, to determine who will be the users of the solution developed, but also to determine which are their needs.
Functional analysis
The functional analysis aims to determine the functions of the future device, product, process or service that one wishes to develop in order to satisfy the needs of the users previously identified and to better solve the initial problem.
Following the functional analysis, a process of finding solutions is put in place, using various creative techniques. The solutions are provided for each of the functions prescribed in the CdCF.
Evaluation and dissemination
Once the first prototype is developed, after several trials and the evaluation of each of the sections, the implementation of the innovation follows in the communities in order to proceed with various types of evaluation of the prototype and finally spread the innovation on a larger scale.
This first step aims, from a frame of reference and field research, to answer all of these questions in order to develop solutions that are usable and able to meet the needs of each person.
The AVE an approach which is part of an organizational structure allowing to highlight the dynamics of a learning company.
By maintaining collaborations with different users, Eduplan Solutions has succeeded in bringing together talents in 4 major areas that make up our communities. All the knowledge mobilized thanks to his talents is done in order to achieve our objectives.
Functional analysis
Following this analysis, a functional specification (CdCF) specifies the functionalities that the solution should fulfill.
In the CdCF, each of the functions are hierarchized, categorized, characterized and, for some, a cost is attributed to them or a benefit is expected.
The CdCF is becoming an essential tool for research and development of innovation; it is used to direct the design of the future device, product, process or service and it is used to verify its effectiveness after its conception.
From the solutions adopted, the design of the first prototype of the future device, process, product or service follows; this is the stage of prototyping innovation.
Prototyping is segmented into sections, so that we can execute and verify, with our collaborators, only one section at a time, for validation purposes and to realize a first prototype of the planned innovation.
Implementation, evaluation and dissemination
The testing is carried out taking into account the different components and conditions of the environment and with the planning of implementation strategies.
Innovation evaluation consists of evaluating:
1) the properties of the innovation deployed (the effectiveness and efficiency of the innovation;
2) the granted and perceived value of the innovation;
3) as well as the social impact of innovation.
It is important to specify that our products are systematically evaluated, even after the release. This practice aims to preserve user communities, to adapt to evolutions, to changes and to enrich the mobilization of various knowledge thus contributing to the development of innovation.
The application of this approach has led Eduplan Solutions to develop the Inclulab, a space for enriching and sharing knowledge between people from different communities.

Entrepreneurial Value Analysis (AVE) is therefore an approach that emphasizes:
Different iterative steps
The contribution of their different communities and diverse talents
Step-by-step methodologies
Loiselle and Harvey (2007) specify that research and development (RD) is a form of research where the researcher-developer is engaged both in development activities and in the collection, analysis, production of new knowledge and sharing the development process.
Indeed, each of the phases involves one or more research activities and methodologies. In the context of the eTA, we generally use the following methods:
Content analysis
Analysis of the literature review using anasynthesis; axiological (why; goals, objectives, aims), formal (what; definition), explanatory (explanatory notes; characteristics, advantages limits, types, principles, components and praxis (how; praxes, practices, evaluations).
Needs analyzes using the following techniques:
the documentary technique (the review of writings)
communicative technique (interview and questionnaires)
the interactive technique (focus group, discussion group, nominal group)
the analytical technique (analysis by task and fishbone).
Functional analysis using the following techniques:
Systematic analysis of identified needs transposed into functions
Analysis based on the literature review
Analysis of typical products: analysis of characteristics, contributions and limits
Ecosystem analysis; systematic analysis of the components of the environment(s) where the tool will be used and the relationships between these components.
Analysis, selection and prioritization of functions using the Delphie or nominal group technique
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the properties of the developed prototypes and the effects of the prototype using interviews, questionnaires and content analysis.